
No B. S. Job Search Advice Radio
EP 3028⁠ Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search⁠, provides job-hunting strategies tailored to introverted personalities. 
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How to Respond to "The Wince" When You Are Negotiating
EP 1507 Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter explains how to respond to the negotiating ploy of an employer wincing when you mentioned what you're looking for.
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EP 3027 Ronnie and Bobby talk about some of the ways you can use AI as part of your job search.
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EP 3026 ⁠I stumbled into this guide from Jobscan⁠ that spoke about in-demand skills in the job market.
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Based on the article of the same name by Rebecca Knight in Harvard Business Review⁠, we're going to look at how to do that and two case studies of people who were able to bounce back successfully.
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Personal Branding Mistakes to Avoid By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter EP 3024 On this show, Ronnie and Bobby talk about an article I wrote. 38 Deadly Interview Mistakes to Avoid ABOUT JEFF ALTMAN, THE BIG GAME HUNTER People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS Career Advice globally because...
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We know hiring is broken because surveys of hiring managers done after a person comes on board reveal how few managers would actually rehire the person they hired.
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EP 3023 You've landed a job offer, but just as you're about to give your notice, your current employer throws a curveball: a counteroffer. It's tempting, right?
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I really love this question because it goes into some of the reasons and ways the recruiters evaluate and assess people.
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