
Jeff Altman
This is a fair question to ask. It took me a little while to learn the answer a few years ago.
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Playing Big Collect Recommendations and Endorsements
This time, I'm talking about collecting recommendations and endorsements as part of your self-promotion.
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Kevin Kermes shared a simple statement on LinkedIn worth sharing
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Launching Your Career So It Isn’t Doomed By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter Facebook Share Twitter Share Google+ Share I see it way too often in people who are doomed to lower expectations. The Ultimate List of Job Search Apps ABOUT JEFF ALTMAN, THE BIG GAME HUNTER Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is...
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A wonderful reminder about goal setting from Zig Ziglar.
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Sometimes, companies can't win. They interview for a long time. That's a problem. if the interview for too short time, that's also a problem. there is a way to measure though.
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Jordan Summers shared 3 tools he is using as part of his job search.
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