
tough interview questions and answers
Jack Kelly wrote this for Forbes. It gives a high-level perspective on how to answer the question.
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Hypothetical interview questions can trip up even experienced candidates, so having a game plan is essential.
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This is a question that can be asked at any organization and affords you the opportunity to brag, as well as show your passion for your work to them
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This question is designed to instill panic in less aware job hunters. It shouldn't if you understand what they are looking for.
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I don't think this question will be that hard for most of you but it is important to be convincing as you talk about what you learned from this.
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What does your ideal culture and work environment look like? How do you contribute to building that ideal environment?
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One of the realities of being a manager, a director, a VP, or a leader in an organization is that periodically you have to deal with performance issues.
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There are a million things that go into being an effective manager or leader of a team. As a matter of fact, saying that is how you start answering the question.
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This interview question can be asked of people at any level but will usually be directed at a manager level and above.
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