
Career Angles
You Have a Big Future Here!
It didn’t take me long to figure out job hunters exaggerate their knowledge and abilities.
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A lovely quote from Brian Tracy to inspire you to keep moving forward.
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The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
"Listen, we'd like to bring you in as a consultant to train the person who's been hired for the role, would you be able to do that?"
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In the United States, we are very good at the art of complaining. Few things are ever good enough. That is both a blessing and a curse.
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This is a wonderful quote from Zig Ziglar that tells you exactly what to do.
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Blame has become a big part of how the world conducts itself.
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So many companies look for short term profitability to the detriment of long term thinking & planning. Many of you act the same way about your careers.
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And There It Is . . .
I was asked to facilitate a discussion between two people who had grown apart from one another.
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