
Laid Off
There are cuts at companies that have announced layoffs of poor performers. Here's what to do.
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There is a way to find out if your company is planning to layoff people.
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Losing Your Job #shorts
Losing your job feels a lot about ending a relationship. Here's what you need to do emotionally
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Layoffs and Mistakes
Once you reach the top, it’s important to display the courage to expose your mistakes to your corporate population
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Stay off the list
If you can’t answer the question, “What are the trends in my industry,” you are in danger.Hedge Fund Brainteasers: The Tournament Brainteaser ABOUT JEFF ALTMAN, THE BIG GAME HUNTER People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS Career Advice globally because he makes many things in peoples' careers easier. Those things...
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They're going to pressure you to accept a severance package.
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Being Laid Off
Being laid off is often a profoundly unsettling experience that shakes one's sense of identity, self-worth, and security.
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Don't blame yourself. Shake it off. Rub some dirt on it.
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