
No B. S. Coaching Advice
This is a wonderful reminder from William James . . . In six seconds. You have time for six seconds, don't you?
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We have been conditioned to be risk averse . . .and that is wrong. We have to play big and take chances. In this video, I offer a paradox for consideration.
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Before you jump up and say how foolish he was to trust this firm, every day, you (and I certainly did back in the day) and your employer enter into a bargain.
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If You Want People to Bond With You . . .
I loved this little story Mark Anthony Dyson shared on LinkedIn. It has a great lesson.
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If you're stuck, there's an easy way to get unstuck and get results
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I did an article for job hunters recently about self sabotage. I wanted to extend my thinking to self-employed individuals, entrepreneurs and others, too.
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Very few people aspire to be ordinary. What can you do to #begreat? Start with a decision. Then . . .
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