
Promoting Yourself Into a Job Even If You’re Socially Shy or an Introvert
Promoting Yourself Into a Job Even If You’re Socially Shy or an Introvert By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter Even if you don’t think of yourself as an introvert, you may think of yourself as being shy in social or professional situations. As a result, you may believe that doing the self-promotion is not...
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Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses the importance of branding and building a reputation for your career.
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What is the synonym for reputation? I start there and progress to how and why to cultivate it.
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One mistake I see too many professionals make is that they are invisible outside of their own company
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Your career is not a 9 to 5 job. It is a lifetime of work. Too often, people forget to take the lessons of advertising and don't apply them to themselves.
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It’s Time to Promote Yourself Like The Big Kids Do
Rick Gillis and I speak about promoting yourself and your career without acting like a blowhard or acting like a jerk.
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Beyond the Assembly Line: self-promotion
Self-promotion is a technique for making yourself easily available to others
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EP 1599 Rick Gillis and I speak about promoting yourself and your career without acting like a blowhard or acting like a jerk.
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EP 1571 Rick Gillis and I speak about promoting yourself and your career without acting like a blowhard or acting like a jerk.
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