
One of the most critical ways to recession-proof your career is to get your expertise back up to speed.
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Things are still complicated out there. My guest, DJ Lloyd, discusses the top things that you can do when times get tough including Covid tough.
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One of the best ways to recession-proof your career is to specialize and/or develop a niche expertise
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Recession-proofing your career means not just explaining your successes but contextualizing your work differently.
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Firms are about to shift to looking for people who can take someone else's lunch. This isn't just about salespeople. It's about an attitude shift.
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Which role do you fall into? Which is safer when the next bust comes? And you know another one will come, don't you?
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Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter encourages you to network and prepare yourself for the next recession now before you experience the crisis.
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