
Video Interview Tips
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses how and where to prepare and place notes for your next video interview.
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As someone who wears glasses, I am very aware that the glare from my glasses during viudeo interviews interferes with people connecting with me. You need to be aware of it, too.
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Video interviews require a slightly different body language than in-person ones. Here is how to carry yourself.
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Most people remember to talk about your background and how it fits the job you're interviewing for. But this is a virtual interview and there are two more things you need to remember.
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On this show, Jeff Altman, The Big GameHunter discusses how to prepare for a video interview before you blow one.
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How you appear in front of a camera is a new skill that you need to add to your repertoire.
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EP 1747 A few opportunities to prepare people for video interviews caused me to want to remind you of these few things.
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Based upon feedback from a friend, Joe Rejeski from Avenue X Group, who has used a video interviewing service, I discuss several more things  you should do for your next video interview. [spp-transcript] ABOUT JEFF ALTMAN, THE BIG GAME HUNTER Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a career and leadership coach who worked as...
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