
job search
People start to network when they decide to look for jobs and wonder why they don't get results.
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Sometimes, companies can't win. They interview for a long time. That's a problem. if the interview for too short time, that's also a problem. there is a way to measure though.
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When many of you think of job search, it is tedious, taxing, and tiresome. It can also be transformative. April Mason, and I speak about how it can be transformative.
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Job Search in 2024 By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter If you are a college-educated private sector office worker, this may be your time to look at Plan B. Here are my thoughts about jobs in 2024. 00:00 Defining the problem 00:56 The solution 02:16 Summary and outro I’m Not Getting Past the Recruiter...
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Jordan Summers shared 3 tools he is using as part of his job search.
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I share several tips on how to keep going when the job hunt gets tough, so you can land the job you want.
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Sometimes, it's better to have someone advocate for you to get an interview or get hired.
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Networking is a crucial part of any effective job search. But many people unknowingly make mistakes that damage their networking efforts.
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