
Playing Big Collect Recommendations and Endorsements
This time, I'm talking about collecting recommendations and endorsements as part of your self-promotion.
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Launching Your Career So It Isn’t Doomed By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter Facebook Share Twitter Share Google+ Share I see it way too often in people who are doomed to lower expectations. The Ultimate List of Job Search Apps ABOUT JEFF ALTMAN, THE BIG GAME HUNTER Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is...
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It's one thing not to remember, it's another thing not to remember. In this video, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter tries to discourage you from lying during your job search.
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Why do some companies say the position is only for US Citizenship or Permanent Residents even if it does not require security clearance?
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Many people experience ennui at best and hatred at worst for the choices they've made in their life, particularly in their career. My guest, Bill Priestley, and I speak about how to flip the switch and change to find greater satisfaction.
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Today, building on the first lesson, I want you to find out how others see you.
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How often do you give up instead of trying again?
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When most of us think of putting yourself out there, we think of dating. It doesn't just apply there.
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Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter reminds you about whose career this is, anyway.
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The CEO of Me
EP 1332 Seeing yourself as the CEO of your own business with your family as your Board of Directors helps you make better business and career decisions.
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