The Counteroffer You Shouldn’t Accept |


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter presents the counteroffer you should not except as well as the one you should hope him employer does make.


You have spent a period of time working for an organization day in and day out.  You are frustrated.  Frustration is anger that should be directed outside, but you’ve spent a lot of time internalizing anger.  So, you feel like you are in conflict.  You finally gotten to a point where you decide to do something about it.  That’s great news.

You going out on interviews.  You have kiss a lot of frogs.  Finally, Prince Charming has shown up and there is a firm that wants to hire you… And it looks great!  You have an opportunity to make more money, to resolve some of the previous issues, whatever the reason was and you’ve received an offer that you find this acceptable.

You’ve given notice and your boss comes over to you while you’re sitting there whistling, “I’m getting out!  I’m getting out!”  They say something to the effect of, “Can I see you in my office for second?”  You are there, they are there, maybe HR is there the other going to offer you money to salve the wound.  There’s been a wound on you for a long time ago.  They are going to put a nice lotion called more money there.  They’re going to promise you that they are going to do things better.

You suddenly go, “WOW!  Look!  The world is spinning around me!  They are going to be good to me now!”  It’s kind of like a puppy that has been hit a bunch of times and suddenly goes, “(Goofy voice) Okay, there is going to be good food for me here.  Okay.”  This is supposed to be enough to keep you.  Think about it.  That’s what’s really going on here.

Instead, what they should be doing is saying something to the effect of, “You know, we made a mistake.  I really wish we could correct things with you but the next firm is really getting someone terrific.”  In other words, acknowledging the error that they made in how they conducted themselves , which you will notice that when they make the counteroffer about only money, they never do.  Even when they do, it goes by so quickly because they really think that all is going to take is more money.

It’s kind of like, I think using this analogy, it’s something like being abused.  You’ve been hit for a while and the puppy suddenly goes in the puppy suddenly goes, “I’m out of here,” and starts running away.  The master then says, “Okay doggy I will do better.”  What happens is that people refer to old patterns; it’s not so easy to change, is it?  How many times have you tried to lose weight or go to the gym and bulk up?  It is not going to be easy for your manager to change.

Yet, that’s basically what happens.  Will pay you more and we promise to do better it is the offer that they are making to you.

Run when you hear that.  Better to have your manager say, “You know, we screwed up.  I’m sorry that you found it necessary to leave but if there’s anything I can do in the future to help you, I would be happy to write that reference for you.  I would be happy to support you in whatever way that I can.”

That’s the great counteroffer you should be looking for.  That’s the acknowledgment of their mistake.  That’s the acknowledgment that you were a top performer and that money is not going to bother you.  Money is not the end of will problems that you would’ve had.  It’s an acknowledgment that you were a good employee.  

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Jeff Altman, The Big Game HunterJeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. He is hired to provide No BS Career Advice globally. That can involve job search, hiring staff, management, leadership, career transition and advice about resolving workplace issues.


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He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2500 episodes.


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