
employment agencies
Here answer the question from someone who is asked for references by a recruiter during the 1st interview and doesn't want to provide them.
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On this show, two bull elephants, Jeff Altman and Steve Levy, meet and bump heads over ideas and tactics that we knew from our experience in recruiting.
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Some of you won't like this suggestion but a recruiter can streamline your job search but only if you remember a few things.
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In this video, I'm asked to address 1 of the basic questions that job hunters have. Is the opportunity being presented to me real?
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You've been looking for a job for a while, received and accepted an offer from a firm, given notice and received a counteroffer. Should you tell the recruiter?
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Not every recruiter is honest or capable but that doesn't mean you should lie to them.
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Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter reminds you of the importance of being professional in all your dealings during your job search.
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