
What does the manager mean when they say, "we'll contact you if you get shortlisted for an interview" during an on the spot-random mini conversation?
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EP 1905 Someone messaged me with this question, Where some people get the idea that is a good idea . . . I hope it was just that they were young and bullied by parents.
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I can tell you right off the bat that one of them can't hire you; is not of the job description. The other one… Let me explain.
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Someone wants to know whether they should wait two weeks to follow-up or should listen to the hiring manager and wait for them to get back to them.
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EP 1083 You are sitting in limbo waiting for feedback after your final interview. What is taking them so long? I offer five reasons for the delay.
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Why does it take so long to hear back from jobs? I've always gotten interviewed and hired within a few days, but friends are waiting weeks.
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Is there a reason why companies don't respond after an application is sent? Isn't it better to know whether you are accepted /rejected rather than not receive any response?
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You have to read between the lines and notice what took place before un order to interpret this correctly. AND I provide a follow up question so you can find clarity.
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