Why You Don’t Even Get The Interview | No BS Job Search Advice Radi

EP 769 There are reasons why you don’t even get the interview.

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I was coaching someone yesterday who is up for a position and in the course of the conversation, he reminded me of something in his circumstances that I thought would be helpful to you as well.

What he reminded me of was paying attention to the language that is used in the job description or the questions that are asked by HR that signal certain things that may not be obvious.  For example, in his case, he was told by HR that the next interview was with someone who is trying to 4X growth within the particular business unit.

We were working on language to use that illustrated his experience with that.  The language that we came up with was his background with “aggressive growth.”  Instead of using the usual metrics of percentages, their language was to talk in terms of “times.”  He was involved with almost 3X growth in the previous situation.

Recognize that there are signals that are used in job descriptions or in the questions that HR asks that can be a signal to you of how to communicate with them and the kind of information they are looking for.

Another thing that came up in a different conversation was concern that one firm had about someone where they perceived his background was more internally oriented, rather than externally oriented.  He was savvy enough to pick up on that and said, “I just want to be clear about my background.  I’ve had 5 years of internal experience and, of those 5, 3 of them were taking internal programs and bringing them to customers and converting them from internal systems to external systems, thus, of my 20 or 22 years of background, 17 of them really related to external customers.”

Notice one going with us.  You always want to be listening for cues that are coming in job descriptions or in interviews that signal the real interest that the firm has because job descriptions are a list of qualifications that they look for.  You are looking for what you can do for them.  You are looking for ways that you can demonstrate that you as a professional, with your staff level individual or in the C suite, have the capacity to deliver what it is that they want.  As you know, sometimes these job descriptions and sometimes their questioning is a little obtuse.

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Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. He is hired to provide No BS Career Advice globally. That can involve job search, hiring staff, management, leadership, career transition and advice about resolving workplace issues. Schedule a discovery call at my website, www.TheBigGameHunter.us

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2400 episodes.

I do a livestream on LinkedIn, and YouTube (on the JobSearchTV.com account) Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 PM Eastern. You can send your questions about job search, hiring better, management, leadership or to get advice about a workplace issue to me via messaging on LinkedIn or in chat during the approximately 30-minute show.

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