
Here's what to do if you're completing an application and not sure about your dates. All in15 seconds.
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I read an interesting article on Workopolis that quoted an amazing statistic. The odds of being chosen for an interview are 2%
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A six second job search tip about applications.
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Using AI for Job Applications
With artificial intelligence (AI), there are now innovative ways to streamline the job application process and increase your chances of landing a job.
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I want to be clear that I am not talking about spelling or grammar mistakes, or a misplaced comma or period. Everyone knows they should use a grammar and spelling checker.
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Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter speaks with Pat Sisti of Perfect Placement in Connecticut who encourages you to speak with the hiring manager directly.
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I Hate Applications
One of the most common complaints that job seekers have is, "Why do I have to fill out a (*#!*!!#$) application?
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