Why is Your Hiring Process Taking So Long? | No BS Hiring Advice

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
In this video, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter encourages you to organize your interview process and step up its pace.



Jeff Altman, The Big Game HunterJeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. He is hired to provide No BS Career Advice globally. That can involve job search, hiring staff, management, leadership, career transition and advice about resolving workplace issues. Schedule a discovery call at my website, www.TheBigGameHunter.us

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2500 episodes.

I do a livestream on LinkedIn, and YouTube (on the JobSearchTV.com account) Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 PM Eastern. You can send your questions about job search, hiring better, management, leadership or to get advice about a workplace issue to me via messaging on LinkedIn or in chat during the approximately 30-minute show.

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No BS Hiring Advice
No BS Hiring Advice

Video Podcast: Spotify

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About the author

17 Responses
  1. Numantino312

    fifteen interviews? craziness! unless i were interviewing for a
    ceo/coo/cfo position, i picture myself tolerating three interviews, four
    tops if i was either really desperate or truly interested in the
    job/company. anything beyond that? “three interviews is enough to make a
    decision with; shit or get off the pot.” last thing i want is to work
    for a company that’s so adrift as to need four-plus interviews to make a

  2. Numantino312

    fifteen interviews?  craziness!   unless i were interviewing for a ceo/coo/cfo position, i picture myself tolerating three interviews, four tops if i was either really desperate or truly interested in the job/company.   anything beyond that?  “three interviews is enough to make a decision with; shit or get off the pot.”     last thing i want is to work for a company that’s so adrift as to need four-plus interviews to make a decision.

  3. Numantino312

    fifteen interviews?  craziness!   unless i were interviewing for a ceo/coo/cfo position, i picture myself tolerating three interviews, four tops if i was either really desperate or truly interested in the job/company.   anything beyond that?  “three interviews is enough to make a decision with; shit or get off the pot.”     last thing i want is to work for a company that’s so adrift as to need four-plus interviews to make a decision.

  4. SW Sweetie

    I had a real life interview yesterday. Somehow, I managed to pass the phone screen. They must have watched this video, because I interviewed with four different people all on the same day. They interviewed me in separate 30-minute sessions. Two of the interviews ran over and I could see the next manager waiting outside to get in. I got there at 2pm and it was almost 5pm when I left. It was a long day, but at least I don’t have to go back unless they hire me. You are so right. It’s so much better to get everybody together *at one time*.

    1. Jeff Altman

      +SW Sweetie A-Men Sister. Good luck with the results. As much as I enjoy our interactions, I hope you land soon

    2. SW Sweetie

      Oh, I’m still going to be coming in here to bother you! The time to learn about this stuff is BEFORE you need it. I haven’t looked for a job in six years. So much has changed, it’s incredible.

  5. SW Sweetie

    I had a real life interview yesterday. Somehow, I managed to pass the phone screen. They must have watched this video, because I interviewed with four different people all on the same day. They interviewed me in separate 30-minute sessions. Two of the interviews ran over and I could see the next manager waiting outside to get in. I got there at 2pm and it was almost 5pm when I left. It was a long day, but at least I don’t have to go back unless they hire me. You are so right. It’s so much better to get everybody together *at one time*.

    1. Jeff Altman

      +SW Sweetie A-Men Sister. Good luck with the results. As much as I enjoy our interactions, I hope you land soon

    2. SW Sweetie

      Oh, I’m still going to be coming in here to bother you! The time to learn about this stuff is BEFORE you need it. I haven’t looked for a job in six years. So much has changed, it’s incredible.

  6. Love Joy

    This is so true. I have been trying to get into a firm and they have done me like this. They said they will call and have yet to do so. It’s depressing

  7. Crebus Crimm

    You HR people are ridiculous! You spend more time thinking about going to your daughter’s afternoon soccer game than you do focusing on the talent that’s in front you. Look at the resumes coming in. READ THEM! They are real people. Don’t forget to confront the egos of the senior managers when discussing prospective employees. They have their heads up their asses. But in the end they will get nothing because all of you, including the senior managers and department directors, are so indecisive. NOTHING GETS DONE!

    1. Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

      I hope you weren’t including me in that “You HR people” comment. I was in search. I was paid to fill jobs, not make nice.

    1. Furware EXE

      @Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter not sure how they plan on getting anyone. I’d imagine most can’t wait that long due to bills unless they are able to keep it secret that long from their current employer.

    2. Furware EXE

      @JobSearchTV not sure how they plan on getting anyone. I’d imagine most can’t wait that long due to bills unless they are able to keep it secret that long from their current employer.

    3. Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

      @Furware EXE those people were working so it was not a question of them taking another job go pay the bills. These were leaders who I spoke to specifically about the role and introduced to an intriguing position. Both parties knew they were doing the equivalent of professional dating and could break up at any time

    4. JobSearchTV

      @Himbo Gaming those people were working so it was not a question of them taking another job go pay the bills. These were leaders who I spoke to specifically about the role and introduced to an intriguing position. Both parties knew they were doing the equivalent of professional dating and could break up at any time

    5. JobSearchTV

      @Himbo Vlogs those people were working so it was not a question of them taking another job go pay the bills. These were leaders who I spoke to specifically about the role and introduced to an intriguing position. Both parties knew they were doing the equivalent of professional dating and could break up at any time

    6. JobSearchTV

      @CL0CKT0W3R those people were working so it was not a question of them taking another job go pay the bills. These were leaders who I spoke to specifically about the role and introduced to an intriguing position. Both parties knew they were doing the equivalent of professional dating and could break up at any time

    7. JobSearchTV

      @Furware Live those people were working so it was not a question of them taking another job go pay the bills. These were leaders who I spoke to specifically about the role and introduced to an intriguing position. Both parties knew they were doing the equivalent of professional dating and could break up at any time

    8. JobSearchTV

      @Furware those people were working so it was not a question of them taking another job go pay the bills. These were leaders who I spoke to specifically about the role and introduced to an intriguing position. Both parties knew they were doing the equivalent of professional dating and could break up at any time

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