
Stupid Interview Mistakes
Every great athlete and every great entertainer does something that you don't. It's why they're great and you aren't. I know that's harsh but hear me out
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Stupid Interview Mistakes: 10 Mistakes Job Hunters Make WAY Too Often
Adult job hunters have no excuse for saying and doing so many of the darndest things. Here are a few that I thought I would share.
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What's the one thing you can't do? Put your answer in the comments below before watching the video.
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In this interview with Job Search and Interview Coach, Thea Kelley we have fun talking about some of those stupid/goofy/ridiculous mistakes people make on interviews.
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It's one thing not to remember, it's another thing not to remember. In this video, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter tries to discourage you from lying during your job search.
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There's another 1 of those stupid interview mistakes people make, particularly executives – – – being somewhere else.
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In this video, I talk about another 1 of those dumb things that people do on interviews – – criticizing the past.
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