How to Find Remote Work

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

More and more people are looking exclusively for remote work when they are making their next job change. 

00:00 Intro and my touchpoints
01:20 Two videos to watch to research the subject: Finding Remote Work Jobs and Finding Remote Work. Being a Digital Nomad.
01:49 A reminder before you search online
02:42 Job Boards and Communities for Searching for Remote Work
05:11 Recruiters
05:39 Referrals and understanding their expectations
06:10 Other social media sites and how to search
06:33 A full-time job search tactic that will work for remote work.
07:08 Another important reminder
08:00 Outro and how to reach me

You may also find “Looking for Remote Work” helpful

How to find remote work. That’s the subject of this video. I’m Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter. I’m a career qnd leadership coach. And I used to work in recruiting and fill many, many full time positions and consulting assignments around the world. And in the work that I’ve done, I’ve created a huge repository of information in my blog, which is at You can go to the blog, there’s a lot there to help you. In addition, you can find out about my courses at the website,, the books and guides I’ve written, you can schedule time for a free discovery call, or schedule time for coaching so I can help you. I’ll also mention you can connect with me on Linkedin at For most of you, my network is going to be a lot larger than yours qnd this will become a way that you can expand yours pretty dramatically.

So I’ll start off by saying, when you think of remote work, well, most of you go to fairly traditional job boards. But I want you to back up for a second. And I want you to watch two videos that I’ll have a link to in the show notes. The first one is called “Finding Remote Work Jobs. And the second one is Finding Remote Work: Being a Digital Nomad,” where I’ve interviewed two experts. And there’s just a lot of great material there. So I think it’s a good launch point. And I’ll have links in the show notes to both of those videos.

Now, there are also places where remote jobs are posted online. And I want to remind you, as you start doing your exploration, you don’t have to look in any one specific region or area. Like most of you, particularly in the US have the habit of looking into local geographic area and try to find remote jobs. But the idea is you can be anywhere in the world and do work. So why just fixate on, let’s say something in Northern California or South Florida. You can be anywhere. You could be working for firms overseas, and be paid handsomely for your work. So again, reminder, don’t just look in your own geographic area or region look elsewhere.

And job sites that you can go to include LinkedIn, where in the geographic drop down area, you can specify remote work. There’s a site called Jobspresso. Like jobs presso. J- O-B-S-P-R-E-S-S-0,, Flexjobs, a site I’ve worked with for years, and support,, remotiv, like, VirtualVocations. I’m gonna repeat that. and These are all websites that carry a heavy dose of remote work associated with them.

You can also look for communities online that you can connect with that will provide access to remote work. For example, there are Facebook groups, Slack channels, like work from home, remotely one and remote work.

There’s a site like indiehackers, where there’s so much that they have from a technology standpoint. But in the current iteration of the site, on the right hand column, There’s an area that has remote jobs. LinkedIn, I believe I mentioned as a drop down. Yeah, I mentioned that already. There are Reddit channels, work online, digital nomad, and work from home that can help you and there are many others to is a site for startups. And there are firms that will look for remote employees from there. Xing, spelled Xing, for those of you who are looking for work that might be hubbed out of Germany, Switzerland or Austria.

There’s dribble (DRIBBLE) for creatives. And of course, there are services like Fiverr (F-I-V-E-R-R), Upwork and Freelancer where your work is remote. You’re not an employee, you’re basically doing gig work. So these are all options for you.

In addition, you can connect with specialized recruiters who work specifically with individuals looking for remote work, I’m not going to recommend any for fear that one of you doesn’t have a good experience, and just start putting notes about the bad experience you have. It’s not about them, often, it’s their clients. So look for specialized recruiters online.

Go to your network and get referred and remember, the real thing that you’re looking for, in addition to remote work is to understand what their expectations of you are going to be, what time zones they want someone to operate in, do they want someone who’s going to work outside of a nine to five schedule for where you live? And is that okay with you?

There are hashtags that work on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, Pinterest of all places, #remote, #remotework. And so there are things that there are places that you can search on those three platforms, where you will come up with remote jobs. Again, the hashtags are #remote, and #remotework.

You can spot something, and this works very well in the full time market and I’m sure it will work very well. In this kind of work, you spot a business, and you spot a gap in what they’re doing. You know, a classic example is, for someone who specializes in SEO work, you spot that the fact that organic traffic is not going to a firm’s site. So you sell yourself into the organization by spotting a gap in the business.

Now, from their standpoint, they’re going to want to see that you’re someone that they can trust. And one of the ways you have to anticipate they’re going to do it beyond the interview beyond the conversation that you have with them, is to look at your social media presence. So make sure it’s up to standard for the work that you’re going to be trying to do for organizations. So that in this way, they’re getting a confirmation about you and your capabilities to serve them. Again, remember, there are a lot of people who’ve gone before you who aren’t as trustworthy as you may be. They don’t know that. They’ve just heard stories. So you always want to make sure you can preclude those stories from affecting you.

I hope you found this helpful. I’m again, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter, I started to be called the Big Game Hunter when I did search. I used to hunt down leaders and staff for many organizations and did for a long time. Again, my website, has so much there in the blog. Plus, you can find that about my courses, my books, schedule time for a free discovery call or schedule time for coaching so I can help you directly. And lastly, connect with me on linkedin at

I hope you have a terrific day and most importantly, be great. Take care.

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