Appearance Matters
By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

Don’t judge a book by its cover . . . but people do.

Understanding The Interviewer

When you see me in this video, what’s your first reaction? I know mine and that’s the lighting is off. My face has more shadows on it the usual. He’s not presenting at his best. That’s what I say.

I’m Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter and I coach people and organizations. You know, I try and help people be bold, take decisive action, be more effective.waiting area And when you go on interviews, when you meet with people, are you really presenting yourself at your best? After all, we all know that appearance matters and yet, as a record this, I’m intentionally going for the “can’t really see my eyes all that well. Too many shadows in there. There’s glare off my glasses. shadows on my face. The shirt seems to be okay. A little casual. But fundamentally, it’s not my perfect look.”

When you go into a meeting, when you’re on camera, when you’re meeting someone for the first, second, or fifth time, how do you present yourself? Now, if you’re going on a job interview, and you’re not at your best, what’s the impact when you walk out, walk in to meet with someone?

How Do You Find a Job When You Are Over 60?

Their first reaction is, if you’re fortunate, neutral. They don’t have a mental comment to share with themselves about how poorly you appear. Now, what does “poor appearance” look like? You know, I mentioned a couple of things in terms of lighting, but that can involve your weight, that can involve what you wear and worn it appears. What century is for him in some cases! You know, it can be that extreme and you need to present yourself in all circumstances as “world-class,” “best of breed.”

Is your hairstyle dated, to say the least? Now, I have intentionally a shaved head. And if you’re bald or balding, I’m not encouraging you to do that. I know my dad used to have what we used to joke about as being the three hairs on top of his head. But he always took care of them to make sure that they weren’t out of control.

Standing Out on an Interview

What do you do in order to create a positive appearance for yourself? What do you do to look great, knowing that appearance matters? Or have you gotten to the point where you’ve gotten lazy about how you present yourself?

We all make snap decisions about people that we meet and you are no different. People are judging you in professional and personal situations. How do you want to be seen? Sloppy? Casual. Casual– casual may not necessarily be bad in certain circumstances. But how do you want to be seen, knowing that appearance matters professionally?

When you’re on an interview, I’m not suggesting that you wear a suit, necessarily Whether you’re a guy or a woman . . . but look great. Feel confident. Present yourself in a way that you know you feel good, because, part of what firms assess for is competence, self-confidence, character, chemistry, and maybe a little bit of charisma. All of which translate into a cohesive package where they trust you. Your self-confidence is a big part of this. Hence, how you physically present yourself, how you appear goes a long way, toward how they see you.

I’m Jeff Altman. I hope you found this helpful. Visit my website, I’ve got thousands of articles. I’ve got videos, podcasts about job search, hiring, being more effective at work, lots of different information that’s designed to help you in your career.

Also want to say that if you’d like me to coach you, connect with me on LinkedIn at And once you’re connected, message me that you’re interested in scheduling a free discovery call.

Hope you have a great day and take care

Personal Branding on LinkedIn



People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS Career Advice globally because he makes many things in peoples’ careersJeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter easier. Those things can involve job search, hiring more effectively, managing and leading better, career transition, as well as advice about resolving workplace issues. 

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2700 episodes. 

Over 60 and Job Hunting: 10 Ideas for You

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Over 50? Over 60? Job Hunting? Never Forget This

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Is It Possible to Find a Job When You Are Over 60

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