2 Lessons From a Successful Job Search

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

I have been asking job hunters around the world for 2 lessons they learned in their job search that helped them land new roles. Here are two.

Don’t Be an “Askhole”

1. Your network is a far better source of jobs and opportunities than you can even imagine. The stronger the network, the faster the job search will yield results.

2. Have a diverse network. I had a large percentage of my network in a relatively small number of industries. When an industry lays off a large number of people across a lot of companies, that can make it more difficult than usual for your network to help out. Make and maintain connections in many locations and industries.

The 10-Step Guide To Making A Career Transition


People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS job search coaching and career advice globally because he makes job searchJeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter and succeeding in your career easier. 

Job Search Realities

You will find great info and job search coaching to help with your job search at ⁠⁠JobSearch.Community⁠⁠ 

Connect on LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/T⁠⁠heBigGameHunter⁠ 

Schedule a discovery call to speak with me about one-on-one or group coaching during your job search at ⁠www.TheBigGameHunter.us

How Do You Know It’s Time to Give Up?

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2900 episodes over 13+ years.

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