In this video, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter explains a strategy for turning down a job offer so that maybe you wind up with something better.

Do you think employers are trying to help you? You already know you can’t trust recruiters—they tell as they think you need to know to take the job they after representing so they collect their payday.
Job hunting is a rigged game with you the patsy.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a career coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. is there to change that with great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.

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2 Responses
  1. Karen Gregory

    Hello, this was really helpful. I’m in PR and it’s in my nature to be
    confident and honest. However, it’s still hard to turn a job offer down
    especially when the employer really wants you but it’s not the right fit
    for you. It’s so important to turn them down in the nicest and most
    transparent way possible especially if you encounter them later on in your

  2. Karen Gregory

    Hello, this was really helpful. I’m in PR and it’s in my nature to be confident and honest. However, it’s still hard to turn a job offer down especially when the employer really wants you but it’s not the right fit for you. It’s so important to turn them down in the nicest and most transparent way possible especially if you encounter them later on in your career.

  3. Karen Gregory

    Hello, this was really helpful. I’m in PR and it’s in my nature to be confident and honest. However, it’s still hard to turn a job offer down especially when the employer really wants you but it’s not the right fit for you. It’s so important to turn them down in the nicest and most transparent way possible especially if you encounter them later on in your career.

    1. Jeff Altman

      How does texting them help you get them to up the offer? How does texting them get them to change? It doesn’t.

  4. Good Girl

    Hi, What do I do if I have a job1 offer and I just applied for what seems to be the perfect job2, I don’t currently have a job and I have no promise for job2 and job1 offer is pushing for a fast decision, I requested job1 to give me 2weeks to respond a confirmation (2weeks to give me enough time to interview for job2 and so on..) but was responded with we want you to work for us but we would rather go for the other person if you can’t confirm, I don’t ever want to say yes to job1 then leave it for job2 (if I get job2) bcos its my reputation on the line but I’m so dissatisfied to lose out on both opportunities, I can’t win bcos job1 (second choice perfect job) won’t give me the time to make an informed decision. Should I just take job1 offer and give up my perceived dream job2 ????

    1. Jeff Altman

      This is so easy. You are being pushed by company #1 because they know you are waiting for something else. After all, they know you are out of work. What other reason could there be for a delay. Take job1 but keep interviewing for job2. Respectfully, you are overstating your reputation and its value if you are an early stage professional UNLESS you are in a very small town. If you get job 2 then you have another decision to make.

    1. Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

      That was in 2013. Look at some of my more recent things. I hope you find them helpful, too

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