The Rise of AI in Recruiting: Friend or Foe?

The Rise of AI in Recruiting: Friend or Foe?

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

In recent times, many have raised their eyebrows on the mere concept of artificial intelligence (AI), The future remains uncertain. Is it here to make a positive impact on society? Or is the converse true, where its negative impact could take away jobs?

These are all questions that are worth asking regardless of what industry. A groundbreaking innovation such as artificial intelligence does have a massive impact whether you’re from finance or human resource. 

The latter has greatly benefited from this technology in the area of recruitment. From expediting the recruitment process to finding the best talent in the market, there’s no doubt that AI has been an absolute gift to recruiters. 

However, it also comes with its share of cons. Some of which we will be discussing later on in this article. But before anything else, let’s have a short overview of what artificial intelligence is. 

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Think of AI as a human brain, except that it’s operated by a machine with complex algorithms. While humans are the most intelligent beings on the planet, there are still lots of limitations to our thought processes. What artificial intelligence brings to the table is its ability to process large sets of data at high speeds.

It’s also an umbrella concept for a lot of other fields: chatbots, robotics, and machine learning are some of them. Because of its wide applications across different industries, AI is poised to bring new innovations and streamline business processes. 


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The Pros of AI in Job Recruitment

It’s easy to see why artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in the recruitment process. Let’s get to know each one of them: 

Efficiency and Speed

Recruitment processes are notoriously long depending on the organization. From the screening of candidates to the scheduling of interviews, there’s a lot of work needed to be done by recruiters to hire the best talent quickly. With the help of AI, these tasks can be automated – allowing recruiters to work on other important tasks.

Recruitment teams can also consider using AI-powered chatbots to help answer applicant queries. This can keep them engaged throughout the application process by being responsive and maintaining transparency. 

Objective Screening

No matter what we think, humans will always have biases. And these biases result in the exclusion of other candidates – whether it be due to age, ethnicity, or gender. This could mean that you’ll be missing out on exceptional talent. To eliminate these biases, artificial intelligence approaches screening with an objective lens (although imperfect), taking into consideration a candidate’s skills and experience. This ensures that the most qualified applicants are shortlisted. 

Attracts New Hires 

A significant part of recruitment is attracting new hires. Many strategies have worked such as building a strong employer brand and creating employee spotlights. Artificial intelligence builds up on these strategies, making it a great tool for attracting new hires. It can optimize job descriptions to attract a broader pool of candidates. Based on historical performance, it determines the best phrases and keywords that can best attract candidates. 

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The Cons of AI in Job Recruitment

If there’s the good, there’s also the not-so-good stuff. This can be said for AI in the recruitment process. Let’s find out why: 


While AI is undoubtedly impressive, it still cannot compete with humans in terms of personalization. The human touch is crucial in the recruitment process. Recruiters can assess cultural fit and understand a candidate’s motivation better than any AI model can. Also, candidates may not appreciate the dehumanizing feeling of conversing with a chatbot. 

Algorithmic Bias 

The good thing about AI is that it screens candidates objectively. Of course, an AI model is only as good as the data it has “learned”. While it was previously mentioned that AI can screen candidates objectively, it has its limitations. 

Because it works with historical data, data based on human decisions, the algorithm may also be biased. For example, if a company has historically hired males for a specific role in the past, the AI model might exhibit bias towards male candidates. 

Job Security

The million-dollar question of many professionals in today’s society is, will AI be replacing my job? Recruiters aren’t immune to the effects of AI, especially because it can automate tasks. While this may be a concern, most experts agree that there will always be a need for human recruiters. There’s just so much that an AI model cannot fully capture. Instead, the roles of recruiters may evolve, requiring a shift to more people-centric skills. 

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AI: A Friend or Foe to Recruitment? 

Like any other innovation, the value of AI lies in its usage. With proper implementation, it can become a recruiter’s best friend – saving time in the recruitment process. 

However, it can also become a foe especially when unregulated. It can depersonalize the process and even introduce new biases. As with any innovation, balance is key; at the end of the day, it is up to the com

Thus, it can be said that AI is neither a friend nor a foe. If wielded properly, this powerful technological weapon can transform the recruitment landscape for the better. By understanding the benefits and risks associated with using AI in recruitment, companies can easily navigate this digital landscape and make the process better for everyone involved – recruiters, candidates, and companies alike.

Ⓒ The Big Game Hunter, Inc., Asheville, NC 2023 

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People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS Career Advice globally because he makes many things in peoples’ careers easier. ThoseJeff Altman things can involve job search, hiring more effectively, managing and leading better, career transition, as well as advice about resolving workplace issues. 

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He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2600 episodes.

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