Understanding Severance Pay and Non-Compete Agreements

Understanding Severance Pay and Non-Compete Agreements


In the world of employment, certain legal aspects need to be understood to protect the rights of both employees and employers. One of the critical areas to consider is severance pay and non-compete agreements. In this blog, we will explore the concept of severance pay, the components of a severance agreement, and the restrictions on non-compete agreements. Additionally, we will provide some tips on negotiating severance and non-compete agreements.

Severance Pay

Severance pay refers to the monetary compensation given to an employee upon their separation from employment. While Texas employers are not legally required to offer severance pay, it may be provided if promised in a company policy or employment contract. The amount of severance pay is typically based on the length of employment, with longer-serving employees receiving higher compensation. Severance pay is an agreement between the employer and employee, and it is not mandatory.

Severance Agreements

A severance agreement is a written contract between an employer and an employee outlining the terms and conditions of severance payments. It includes various clauses such as agreements not to sue, confidentiality clauses, non-disparagement clauses, non-compete clauses, non-solicitation clauses, and a deadline to sign. These clauses define the rights and obligations of both parties during and after the separation. It is important to note that severance agreements must be reasonable in terms of time, geography, and the specific activity being restricted.

Non-Compete Agreements

Non-compete agreements are contracts in which an employee agrees not to compete with their employer for a specified period of time, in a specific location, and using specified methods. These agreements aim to protect the employer’s business interests and prevent employees from disclosing trade secrets. Non-compete agreements are often accompanied by non-solicitation clauses, which prohibit employees from soliciting clients or employees from their former employer. It is essential to ensure that non-compete agreements are reasonable and do not overly restrict an employee’s ability to find work in their chosen field.

Restrictions on Non-Compete Agreements

In Texas, non-compete agreements are governed by the Covenant Not to Compete Act. According to this act, non-compete agreements must be part of an enforceable agreement and reasonable in terms of time, geography, and activity being restricted. The restrictions should serve the employer’s business interests without unduly limiting the employee’s ability to find work. It is worth noting that non-compete agreements are generally unenforceable in states where the employer does not do business.

Negotiating Severance and Non-Compete Agreements

When negotiating severance and non-compete agreements, there are several considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, ensure that you are receiving the appropriate pay and benefits, as outlined in the employer’s policies. Review any accrued paid time off and determine if you have any stock options that can be exercised. If you believe the reason for your separation is unfair, challenge it and consider consulting an attorney. You can use this as a bargaining tool to negotiate a higher severance amount. Additionally, ensure that non-disparagement and confidentiality clauses are mutual, and challenge any unreasonable restrictions in non-compete agreements. Finally, consider requesting a reference from your employer as part of the agreement.

Older Workers Provisions

Employees over the age of 40 may have additional protections under the Age Discrimination Act or the Older Workers Act. These provisions allow employees to rescind their acceptance of an agreement within seven days and consider the agreement for up to 21 days. It is important for older workers to be aware of their rights and review agreements accordingly.


Severance pay and non-compete agreements are crucial aspects of employment law that employees and employers must understand. While severance pay is not required by law in Texas, it may be offered as part of an agreement. Non-compete agreements, on the other hand, must be reasonable and serve the employer’s business interests without overly restricting employees. When negotiating these agreements, it is essential to consider factors such as pay and benefits, reasons for separation, and the fairness of the agreement. By understanding these concepts and seeking legal advice when necessary, employees can protect their rights in the workplace.

5 Things to Consider Before Signing a Severance Agreement


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