Running The New York Marathon and Job Search

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

I ran New York in 1990.

I trained with support from 6 friends who set out to run it, too. Only one made it to the starting line with me. We both finished.

The first lesson of the Marathon and a job hunt that I’ve used in my coaching is that it is easier with support. Six of us would meet on the west side of Central Park on Sunday mornings and do our weekly long run together, encouraging one another, teasing one another & laughing with one another as we worked our way from a long run of six miles to 20 miles before the race.

The second lesson is that so much of the work of training for the race was done away from other people by myself. I trained for 6 months to work my way up to running 6 miles for the first time with my friends. I would run 5 days a week on a treadmill before doing the long run.

I learned I needed to do a lot of the work by myself. No one would appreciate the determination, effort, tears and hardship that would go into finishing.

There are many people who are running their race now with no support and not sure what to do. I had a book I followed that got me to the finish line. It’s sad to see people thrashing around failing and not asking for help.

Ⓒ The Big Game Hunter, Inc., Asheville, NC 2023

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