
recession proof your career
When I worked in search, someone reminded me of this principle and it is simple, elegant and true.
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I believe there are a number of questions to ask yourself periodically that will help you.
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Get certifications
Certifications help you stand out from people who don't have them. Often they are even tiebreakers.
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Recession-proofing your career means not just explaining your successes but contextualizing your work differently.
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Too many people are caught short thinking they have marketable assets and, in fact, don't. Here's what to do.
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The first part of the equation is what makes you different. Then, comes this one.
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It may have been a while since you were not in the driver's seat for your job.
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It isn't enough to do a good job. You need to become more visible to more people.
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Is Work Not Working?

Instead of talking to Your Wife, Husband, or Partner, Schedule a Time With a Career Expert.