
job search
I did a LinkedIn Live with Kenneth Lang where this was the topic. This approximately 40 minute conversation covers a lot of ground.
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In this video, I'll explore practical steps you can take to leave your job, find peace, and move forward with your career.
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I'm going to explain why sending a thank you letter after an interview is crucial for landing the job you want.
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David AuClair was an accountant who transitioned into agency recruiting and corporate recruiting and talks about what he looks for when recruiting.
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For years, I was pitched by people in ways that were so boorish and so 1980's. Listen to my pitch and craft yours using the framework I offer.
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Researching a company before an interview will help you feel better prepared, present yourself better to everyone, and feel more confident. Let me explain how to do it.
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How often do you give up instead of trying again?
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Like when dating, no one likes desperate people. Here's what to focus on instead.
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Mike Podesto of Find My Profession, and I discuss tactics that will help you get much better results.
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Too often, job hunters make the mistake are putting all their eggs in one basket. This is why it's a mistake.
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