
interview mistakes
In this video, I talk about another 1 of those dumb things that people do on interviews – – criticizing the past.
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Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter tells a story about a job applicant and how they made three critical mistakes.
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At this point you have to know that at some point in the interview you will be asked behavioral interview questions that should be answered in story form. Then you figure out your answer in the interview. WRONG!
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This is the 7th deadly sin of interviewing that too many people commit. There are many you can be asking but I mention a few basics.
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Continuing this series about the 7 deadly sins of interviewing today and talking about the sin of not sizing someone up when you meet them.
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If you're interviewing for a job, this is one of the 7 deadly sins you want to avoid making.
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Ah! The things people do and say on interviews that prove costly and result in you interviewing longer than you should.
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There are 3 bad words you should never use in an interview. If you do, it is a big mistake
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