
Applying for a Job
In this video, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses telling the truth about a conviction on an employment application when you apply for a job.
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Do the recruiters take the time sent of the email into consideration before looking at the candidates resume?
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I've read more than 775000 resumes and boy! There are some dumb things people do when applying for jobs. Here are "The Big 10" dumb mistakes I've seen.
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Reverse Engineering the ATS for Results
Applicant tracking systems. The ATS. Defeating it. Reverse engineering it for results. That's what my interview is about with Eleanor Meegoda from JobStep
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Since positions might have skills in common, does HR cross reference applicants with other openings?
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There is a specific word in the title that is the key to answering this question. Guess what the word is.
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I've seen this scenario many times and the answer why one person is interviewed and not the other is very simple.
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In this video, we'll cover ten common mistakes that many job seekers make on their resumes, and how to avoid them.
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How recently have you looked at your firm's website, particularly from the perspective a mobile phone user?
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