No BS Career Advice: November 17, 2024

No BS Career Advice: November 17, 2024

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

With Thanksgiving approaching in the US, experience tells me that many of you who are job hunting are about to slip into a belief system that says, “No hiring is going to be done. I’ll just wait until January and get back into gear then.”

When I did recruiting, November and December were usually among my best months in sales because I understood (1) some managers needed to finish spending their budgets, (2) managers knew what their budget was going to be for the new year and wanted to get a head start on filling jobs for January starts, (3) there was less competition for the people I was representing because so many people believe no hiring is going to be done and waited until January to start up their activity again. With fewer people to choose from, the people I was representing got hired for January starts or were given a short-term consulting assignment that converted into a full-time position in January or February.

Don’t coast.

This is the easiest time of the year to network, reconnect, and get yourself to be out-of-mind with people you know, recruiters, managers, EVERYONE, so they are thinking of you and helping you get interviews that lead to new hires.

If you are interested in my coaching you during your job search and want to evaluate me, schedule a free discovery call at If you want advice about a particular issue or issues,, you can schedule a session with the same link.

Share this newsletter in your feed and elsewhere so others can get results, Subscribe for weekly No BS Career Advice.

People seem to really like the new format of No BS Job Search Advice Radio with Ronnie and Bobby discussing particular YouTube videos we’ve watched. More women are listening than ever before. This week’s new shows were:

How to Negotiate Your Job Offer and

What to Do If You Hate Your Job

New shows are released on Monday and Thursday. Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and anywhere else you prefer to listen to podcasts.

I also released several older audio shows on YouTube including:

Evaluating for F.I.T. (my audio wasn’t great when I recorded this)

Job Search Advice for Baby Boomers

8 Quick Things to Do to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

6 Big Mistakes Active Job Hunters Make on LinkedIn

5 Negotiation Techniques That Work

Finding an Internship That Doesn’t Suck

These are released on YouTube. You can subscribe using this link.

I also released content at in the blog. It included:

Effective Job Search for This Job Market

Advice from a Hostage Negotiator

3 Things to Never Put on Your Résumé

The Warren Buffet Quote of the Day

Stupid Interview Mistakes: Being Unprepared

Make It Easy for People to Contact You on LinkedIn

Here are some of the articles I read from other people in the past week:

Looking For A New Job? A Big Bump In Pay May Not Come Your Way by Jack Kelly

3 Subtle Signs That You Should Decline a Job Offer by Kristy Busija

10 Ways to Empower Job Seekers Against Deepfake Scams by Mark Anthony Dyson

Are You Lying to Yourself About Your Leadership? by Lolly Daskal

What Most Job Seekers Get Wrong About LinkedIn (Plus, What to do Instead) by Jessica Hernandez

Again, if you are interested in my coaching you during your job search and want to evaluate me, schedule a free discovery call at If you want advice about a particular issue or issues,, you can schedule a session with the same link.

Share this newsletter in your feed and elsewhere so others can get results, Subscribe for weekly No BS Career Advice.

What Companies Look for When Choosing a Board Member


People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS job search coaching and career advice globally because he makes job searchJeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter and succeeding in your career easier. 

38 Deadly Interview Mistakes to Avoid

You will find great info and job search coaching to help with your job search at ⁠⁠JobSearch.Community⁠⁠ 

Connect on LinkedIn: ⁠⁠⁠heBigGameHunter⁠ 

Schedule a discovery call to speak with me about one-on-one or group coaching during your job search at ⁠

The Interview Mistake Too Many Executives Make (And How To Correct It)

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 3000 episodes over 13+ years.

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