Making the Most of Professional Development Opportunities

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
You don’t want to stay doing the same work for the next 25 years of your life, do you? Here are 5 things you can do to make the most of professional development opportunities.

00:00 Introduction
00:32 What are your goals?
00:53 Seek out new opportunities for growth
01:12 Professional development is ongoing
01:28 Professional development occurs in many places
01:42 Track your professional development courses and classes
01:59 Network
02:14 Outro


Hi. I’m Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter and people hire me for no BS career advice globally. That can relate to a number of different things. And I’ll just simply say, I look at things from the totality of your career and the various things you might address. Today, I want to talk with you about making the most of professional development opportunities, and why that’s important to you.

And let me just start by saying, it’s important to figure out your career goals, and then make them aligned with professional development opportunities that you seek out. This will help you focus on relevant skills and knowledge that will help you achieve what you want to do professionally.

As such, it’s important also, to continuously seek out new opportunities for growth, because if you start to become stagnant, you will get stuck in a particular place, and it’s gonna be harder for you to get momentum going.

As such, think of professional development as an ongoing process. And it’s important to continue learning and expanding your skills throughout your entire career. Learn new things, stay current, and be competitive.

Take advantage of all sorts of professional development opportunities, including workshops, conferences, webinars, YouTube videos, and online courses–there are tons of places that you can learn from.

And they also want you to keep track of the courses that you’ve taken, the progress that you’ve made, what you’ve learned in these courses, because that’s going to make it easier for you to demonstrate your value to potential employers or clients.

 Lastly, for today, network with other professionals in your field, build relationships with others that can help you stay informed about new developments, as well as provide opportunities for mentorship, and career advancement.

So those are five things that you can do. I hope you found this helpful. If you’d like more, more about job search, hiring better, managing and leading more effectively, career development, you know, dealing with workplace issues, career transitions, and a whole host of different things, visit my website which is There’s a ton in the blog that can help you. Plus, you can schedule a time for a free discovery call to evaluate me as your coach, you can schedule time for paid coaching or Trusted Advisor Services, where I answer your questions. A half-hour session, I believe it’s $150 currently, put together a lot of questions. I’d be very happy to help you.

Also connect with me on Linkedin at My network tends to be a lot larger than most peoples. You’ll get a lot out of being connected with me. Have a terrific day and most importantly, be great. Take care.

Dead and Alive


Jeff AltmanJeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. He is hired to provide No BS Career Advice globally. That can involve job search, hiring staff, management, leadership, career transition and advice about resolving workplace issues. Schedule a discovery call at my website,

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2500 episodes.

I do a livestream on LinkedIn, and YouTube (on the account) Tuesdays at 1 PM Eastern. You can send your questions about job search, hiring better, management, leadership or to get advice about a workplace issue to me via messaging on LinkedIn or in chat during the approximately 30-minute show.

Website: (schedule a paid coaching session or free discovery call)



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