How to Spot a Quality Headhunter

How to Spot a Quality Headhunter

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

A person and their self-professed press clippings are never a good barometer of someone who is competent and trustworthy, particularly when evaluating a headhunter. You can, however, evaluate for these.

Can I Walk Out on an Interview?

  1. Do their research. A headhunter should know my background and experience before they reach out to you. They should be able to articulate why they think you might be a good fit for the positions they are recruiting for.
  2. Be transparent about the process. A headhunter should be upfront about the fees they charge and how the process works. They should also be clear about the level of confidentiality they can offer.
  3. Be responsive. A headhunter should be quick to respond to your emails and phone calls. They should also be willing to answer my questions and address my concerns.
  4. Be knowledgeable about the market. A headhunter should have a deep understanding of the industry you work in and the competitive landscape. They should be able to provide insights into salary ranges, benefits, and other factors that are important to you.
  5. Be professional.  They should also be respectful of my time and my privacy.
  6. Be honest. A headhunter should be honest about the positions they are recruiting for and the candidates they are representing. They should not make any promises that they cannot keep.
  7. Be reliable. A headhunter should keep their promises and follow through on their commitments.
  8. Be trustworthy. A headhunter should be someone you can trust to act in your best interests. They should not share my confidential information with anyone else.
  9. Be a good listener. A headhunter should take the time to listen to your needs and goals. 
  10. Be a good communicator. A headhunter should be able to communicate effectively with you and with the clients they represent. They should be able to clearly spell out the benefits of each opportunity for you and answer your questions in a timely manner.

The Headhunter Secret to Knowing You Did Well on An Interview


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Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

can involve job search, hiring more effectively, managing and leading better, career transition, as well as advice about resolving workplace issues. 

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