
By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

EP 155. I think it’s worthwhile to take a moment to actually give thanks and feel thankful.

Pray for a Tough Instructor

This is “The No BS Coaching Advice Podcast,” episode 155. I’m your host, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter and welcome.

SEGMENT 1. This is Thanksgiving weekend United States and it’s fairly common for those of us who celebrate the holiday to notice things that we’re grateful for. I was running a meeting yesterday with a number of men sitting in a circle talking about something we were thankful for. One man checked in and spoke about his circumstances and he’s certainly had challenges gratitude1in life. And when he came to the thing he was thankful for, he said something marvelous.

What he said was, “I can solve my problems.” I’m sure there are exceptions to that statement but, overall, he felt like he could solve his problems. And that really touched me in a good way. I’ll just simply say, folks, most of you can do that. And that’s something to be very grateful for, and take a moment to appreciate.

SEGMENT 2. Here’s another way to recognize things that serve you in your life and are working well for you. Another man there spoke about how he and his wife, at the end of the day, take a few minutes and answer or share with one another, I should say, what their high of their day was, what the low of their day was nice, the high and the low of the day, and they share what they’re grateful for on that particular day, and a good deed that they’ve done.

I think that’s a marvelous approach to provide some balance, and just settling it down a little bit from some of the frenzy of the day. So, just to repeat that– a high of the day, a low of the day, something that you’re grateful for, and to be aware of a good deed that you did on that given day.

SEGMENT 3. So, what are you grateful for as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday? I know for me, I really am grateful for having met my wife, for us having raised our son together, for all the effort that she’s put in. She was the driver of our adoption and I was along for her energy because, clearly, she wanted us to have a child together and that wasn’t possible biologically. So, we adopted our son.

She did so much work to make that possible because we were doing an international adoption. It’s not just simply as saying, “I think we’ll have that child over there.” There is a lot of work that goes into it. And she handled all that paperwork and she spent a lot of time being Mom to him and helping him become the young man that he is today. I’m truly appreciative of that.

And for so many, they keep doing more and more and more, and it never stops. And there was a man yesterday who’s a Native American man, and spoke about an expression in his tribe called me-gwitch. You’ve done enough.

You’ve given enough. It’s time to stop and acknowledge the good things that you do. But also remember me-gwich. It’s an important concept I know for me to remember. Not just simply in family but in my work, too. Because I really do put out a lot and try and help a lot of people. But there comes a time to listen to the sound of me-wich and bring it to an end.

So that’s today’s show. I hope you enjoyed it. And, if you did, subscribe an Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google Play wherever you listen to the show, just subscribe so you get downloads whenever I release a new episode.

Each show is going to be bite size morsels of advice, just like today’s. I hope you enjoyed it. And I do hope you subscribe. And, if you do choose to subscribe, I hope you decide to support the show. There’s a link that will take you to where you can make a pledge in support of the show. I’d greatly appreciate it.

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I’ll be back soon with more and, in the meantime, I hope you have a great day. Take care!

The Poet, Rumi, and Your Career


People hire Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter to provide No BS Career Advice globally because he makes many things in peoples’ careers easier. Those things can involve job search,Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter hiring more effectively, managing and leading better, career transition, as well as advice about resolving workplace issues. 

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He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2700 episodes.

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