
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses another way that people sabotage the Job Search – – mediocre references.
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Stack your references with people who will take to some coaching from you about what to say.
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You can get sabotaged when applying for a new job. There have been many instances when a job hunter with all the right skill sets and experiences was knocked out of contention due to disparaging comments made by former employees.
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The original question (which I share) was actually the wrong question. Here answer the right question and try to help someone take action.
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References on Your Resume
Should you . . . or not. I answer for you and explain why.
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When should you provide your references
What are the best practices for providing references? Who are the best people to pick? 
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In this video, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter Explains exactly when to contact your references and how to coach them into a great reference for you
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EP 2213 Getting your references ready to be checked ( including questions that someone who is up for a C-level position would want someone prepared to answer).
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You met the search firm and completed the interview process. They are about to extend an offer. Whom I think contact and what might they be asked? That's what I cover in this video.
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