
Do you really want to be managed?
There are many models of great coaches, all men with flaws who saw a way to win through coaching.
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Asking for directions
One of the great stereotypes of the 20th century was that men don’t ask for directions when they are lost.
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In this video, I talk about the importance of talking yourself down from the cliff and how you should never split the difference.
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I discuss the two actions you need to take in order to help you succeed in everything you do.
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Pair Up or Get a Coach
I encourage you to find someone to "buddy up who is also looking for work and support one another daily.
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Here are 5 reasons to speak with a trusted adviser or two or ten to help you make a decision about a job offer
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Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter explains the title of this video and encourages you to take more steps.
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