The Big Game Hunter Blog

Decoding How Companies Arrive at Salary Offers
Asking the right questions can provide valuable context and information to help you respond.
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I love this old quote from Paul "Bear" Bryant about winning
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The common lament of our times
It is a common lament of our times to complain about our jobs, as though we are trapped by circumstances beyond our control.
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Choosing a Recruiter to Fill Your Positions
It often seems like every Tom, Dick, Susan, Shailesh and Hao works for agencies. The phone calls seem incessant and the pitches seem the same. How do you choose between them?
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Getting on your feet
At the end of this quote, there was a word that can be translated into "butt" or "derriere" or "tush." That would offend you, please do not watch this.
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As I coach people now, I listen to many stories of people who are disappointed by life and feel trapped by it. 
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Use This Skills Matching Tool for Ideas for Your Career #shorts
Here's a free website to give you ideas for careers to consider using this skills matcher.
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Everyone knows that making change is one of the scariest things we deal with as adults.
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