
Everyone makes mistakes. I make mistakes and you make mistakes. This is one mistake I made that I hope you don't.
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This is a wonderful reminder from William James . . . In six seconds. You have time for six seconds, don't you?
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A less than 60-second story about people who complain about how a wise man suggested they do differently.
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What do you think happens if you look like everyone else?
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Before you jump up and say how foolish he was to trust this firm, every day, you (and I certainly did back in the day) and your employer enter into a bargain.
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I decided to have a little fun and had Google Bard write a limerick about job search.
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Stupid Interview Mistakes: 10 Mistakes Job Hunters Make WAY Too Often
Adult job hunters have no excuse for saying and doing so many of the darndest things. Here are a few that I thought I would share.
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This is a fair question to ask. It took me a little while to learn the answer a few years ago.
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What’s the Role That Leadership Plays for You as a Manager? By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter Facebook Share Twitter Share Google+ Share This is a nice little question that you might be asked as a manager on an interview. Be Careful Using AI to Write Resumes and Cover Letters ABOUT JEFF ALTMAN, THE...
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