
There are lessons we can apply to job search from Game 7 of the 2016 World Series.
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Job Interviews Falling Flat? Your Attitude May Be To Blame
When companies try to hire someone, they want someone who inspires confidence.
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On this show, I utilize the 10,000 hour rule to make a point about you and being a job hunter.
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Become “The Solution” #shorts
Let's take a page from "Jersey Shore" in creating a personal brand
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It’s Time to Look for a Life Boat
There are many other lifeboats available but don’t relay on the crew to save you. You need to be prepared.
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They Might Check My Credit History?
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter answers about the likelihood your credit report will be checked prior to being hired.
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A quote from former UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden about adaptability and resilience
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Italian Food, Bagels and Barbecue and How It Speaks to Commitment
As you look at your work, how long do you think your mediocre work will be ignored?
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