5 Signs Your Job May Be at Risk: How to Spot a Layoff May Be Coming

By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
These are a few signals that a layoff may be coming to your firm.

00:00 Introduction
00:42 The first 2 signals
01:53 The next two ways
02:37 The final one
02:51 What should you do? 1
03:41 What you should do 2
04:10 What you should do 3
04:34 A recommended video course
04:50 What you should do 4
05:00 Summary
05:13 Outro

Leading An Organization When You Have To Layoff People

Today, more and more people are worried about being laid off. And it’s not an unfounded fear. I’m Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter. People hire me for no BS career advice and coaching. And I used to work in recruiting, did for a long time, and now I coach people globally. People hire me for a No BS career advice and coaching, so that they have support around their careers, which can involve a job search, hiring more effectively, managing and leading better, dealing with workplace issues, and a whole host of things.

So there’s usually signals that firms demonstrate that signal the possibility of a layoff coming, and I’m identified five for today, I’m sure I have other videos that deal with different topics. But these were five that came to mind today. And the first one is, if you start noticing your workload is declining. If you find yourself with less to do, it could be a sign that the firm is, well, they just don’t have as much work these days and they may consider reducing their workforce at some point not too long down the road.

If there’s a change in management, often the changes in senior management, it could be a sign that the firm is preparing for a big shake up, it could be a sign that the firm is preparing for sale, it could be a signal that it’s not going as well for the firm as they were hoping for and they’re bringing in new leadership. And, in bringing in that leadership, often the first thing that they do is prune costs, and then involves people.

The next thing I’ll just say is, the third is they start reducing the spend on company perks and benefits. If they start cutting back on things like events, training programs, even coffee and snacks in the office, it could be a sign that they’re trying to save some money in preparation for a layoff. Hiring freezes– the classic signal You know, they’ve been hiring up a storm and suddenly a hiring freeze. And thus, people wind up in situations where they’re carrying too much work, and not enough support. That could be a signal of a layoff coming. You start reading in the trade press the rumors and the gossip that show up in the trades about your firm, it could be a sign of something being up.

It’s important to remember that these don’t necessarily mean that there’s a layoff imminent, but it’s certainly worth paying attention to. And if you start to recognize some of these signals, a few things that you can do right away is update your resume and LinkedIn profile. With LinkedIn, since you’re probably connected with people at work, turn off notifications in the privacy settings so you’re not notifying everyone of the update that you’ve made. Because that’s often a signal that people are thinking of making a change. But update your resume and LinkedIn profile, your LinkedIn profile, because recruiters are going to try contacting you to see if you might be interested in their opportunity. New resume, because you want to have it available and not suddenly react to an inquiry.

Keep Your Head Up: Learn Your Company’s Warning Signs of Layoffs

You want to start reconnecting with the people in your past. You know, your network. So your professional contacts, your personal ones. You’re not actively looking. You just want to say ‘hi, how are you? It’s been a long time. I just thought I would reconnect and see how you were.’ Maybe you can help them. But I’ll tell you, just been reconnecting you’re going to be doing something to lay a foundation in case you need their help in case there are layoffs.

And you might just start looking at individual job opportunities online and interviewing with things that for situations that recruiters bring to you. Not stupid jobs, not jobs just for the sake of a job. But just to get a flavor for where you in need work where you could do better.

I’ll also say I’ve got a video course on interviewing on my website, TheBigGameHunter.us/courses. It’s called The Ultimate Job Interview Framework. It will help you a lot with your interviewing. File that away in case you need it.

I will also say Your attitude is important. Don’t act fearfully around the office. Be positive. Do world-class work. 

I’ll simply say, living with the shadow of possible layoff can be difficult and stressful. It can also be an opportunity to find something even better suited to you and your interests.

Hope you found this helpful. I’m Jeff Altman. Again, my website is TheBigGameHunter.us. Go to the blog and go exploring. There’s a lot there that will help. In addition, you can schedule time for a free discovery call, scheduled time for coaching. You can also schedule time with me for what I call trusted advisor services where I answer questions from people. I want to help.

At the site you can find out about my video courses, books, and guides. Again, a lot there. Oh, the blog of course. The blog has 1000s of posts that you can watch, listen to or read that will help. I also want to mention connect with me on Linkedin at linkedin.com/in/TheBigGameHunter. Have a terrific day and most importantly, be great!

How to Spin Your Layoff in a Job Interview When Your Head Is Still Spinning


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. He is hired to provide No BS Career Advice globally. That can involve job search, hiring staff, management, leadership, career transition and advice about resolving workplace issues. Schedule a discovery call at my website, www.TheBigGameHunter.us

He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with over 2500 episodes.

Website: www.TheBigGameHunter.us (schedule a paid coaching session, a free discovery call or ask questions using my Trusted Adviser Services)

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/TheBigGameHunter

Courses: www.TheBigGameHunter.us/courses

Main YouTube: www.JobSearchTV.com

No BS Job Search Advice Radio Podcast: anchor.fm/nobsjobsearchadviceradio

Video Podcast of No BS Job Search Advice Radio: Spotify 

Twitter: http://twitter.com/jeffaltmancoach

Medium: jeffaltmancoach.medium.com

Resume & LinkedIn Profile critiques www.TheBigGameHunter.us/critiques


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